Foster City PJCC Chen Taijiquan

Laojia Yilu (Old Family First Form) Training Videos

Demonstrated by Marlon Bishop (click Arrow Circle to start that video lesson.)


  1. Taiji Beginning Posture
  2. Jin Gang Pounds with the Pestle
  3. Grab and Tuck in the Robe
  1. Six Sealing and Four Closing
  2. Dantian Change
  1. Dantian Change (hands)
  1. Jin Gang Pounds with the Pestle
  2. The White Goose Displays the Wings
  3. Oblique Posture
  1. Embrace the Knee
  2. Paced (Awkward) Steps
  1. Oblique Posture
  2. Embrace the Knee
  3. Paced (Awkward) Steps
  4. Covering-the-Hand Forearm Fist


  1. Jin Gang Pounds with the Pestle
  1. Diagonal Body-Stroke Fist
  2. Teal Dragon Emerges from Water
  1. Push with Both Hands
  2. Fist Presented Under the Elbow
  3. Reverse with Spiraling Forearms
  4. White Goose Displays the Wings
  5. Oblique Posture
  1. Flash through the Back
  2. Covering-the-Hand Forearm Fist
  1. Six Sealing and Four Closing
  2. Dantian Change
  1. Maneuver the Hands
  2. Feel Out the Tall Horse
  3. Thrust with the Right Foot
  4. Thrust with the Left Foot
  1. Kick with the Left Heel
  2. Paced (Awkward) Steps
  3. Immortal's Grappling Grip
  1. Kick with Two Feet Up
  2. Protecting-the-Heart Fist
  1. Whirlwind Kick
  2. Kick with the Right Heel
  3. Covering-the-Hand Forearm Fist
  1. Small Catching and Striking
  2. Embrace the Head and Push the Mountain
  1. Six Sealing and Four Closing
  2. Dantian Change


  1. Forward Trick
  2. Backward Trick
  3. Part the Wild Horse's Mane
  4. Six Sealing and Four Closing
  1. Dantian Change
  1. Jade Lady Works the Shuttle
  2. Grab and Tuck in the Robe
  3. Six Sealing and Four Closing
  4. Dantian Change
  1. Maneuver the Hands (Cloud Hands)
  2. Swing the Leg
  3. Drop and Split
  1. Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg
  1. Reverse with Spiraling Forearms
  2. The White Goose Displays the Wings
  3. Oblique Posture
  1. Flash through the Back
  2. Covering-the-Hand Forearm Fist
  1. Six Sealing and Four Closing
  2. Dantian Change
  3. Maneuver the Hands (Cloud Hands)
  1. Feel out the Tall Horse
  2. Cross the Foot
  3. Pointing-to-the-Groin Punch
  4. Giant Monkeys Search for Fruit
  5. Dantian Change
  1. Ground-Hacking Dragon
  2. Step Forward to Form the Seven Stars
  3. Step Backward to Cross the Forearm
  4. Swing the Leg
  5. Head-On Cannon
  6. Jin Gang Pounds with the Pestle
  7. Closing Posture
  • Entire Form